Wednesday, July 13, 2011

~trying new things is important, right?~

In the spirit of change, I'm trying something new. As you'll read below (hopefully!), I can't have a fashion blog like all the ones that I read. There's no special someone in my life that I can spend an hour with each morning, taking dozens upon dozens of pictures of me smiling and looking cute. It's just not logical, unfortunately. But, I decided that I can kind of, sort of draw --- and that I should use that to my advantage. So, I decided to sketch/draw my outfit pics. I'm sure it's been done somewhere, and I'm sure their's is better, but my options are rather limited.

Here it is though, my first outfit pic. I'm excited personally, and I'll love some encouraging thoughts from my "readers". Or, I'd even appreciate some not-so-encouraging thoughts, I suppose.

On a side note, I just noticed the date that I put in the corner as soon as I finished sketching it. That's kind of embarrassing.... it's the seventh month of the year, y'all, not the sixth. So the date that I wore this outfit was actually 7.12.11. Oh, and sorry about the fact that the first couple of letters on each line are cut off: it turns out that I'm not the best of scanners. My B.

In an apologetic mood apparently,

1 comment:

  1. I think you're a pretty fantastic drawer, in my opinion and I love your blog! :) I hope it's ok but I might steal your idea of drawing the designs since I don't have a special someone either to take pictures. I love your creativity with clothes! I think they look fantastic from what I've seen.
